By Emmanuel Jaquet - 21 June 2023

Charity Work and Sustainability: A Natural Connection?

Those of you who know me know that I have a deep passion for philanthropy, focusing on education and sanitation.

I inherited this passion from my parents, who would spend most of their weekends in Geneva, taking care of refugees from various war-torn countries. I recall my father spending hours tutoring a young woman from Eritrea who couldn’t speak French at the time. 15 years later that same young woman graduated and became a doctor. 

Having two kids of my own and witnessing the state of our planet, I have also become increasingly concerned about the environment and the legacy we are leaving for future generations.

Recently, I asked myself about the relationship between the charity work I do with the MMPower Foundation and sustainability. How are these two concepts, often seen as separate, actually linked? 

Here is my personal take on the matter and why I believe the two are inherently connected and must be addressed together. There cannot be sustainability without a massive investment in education - particularly in developing nations.

Providing education to children is one of the most crucial factors in achieving sustainability. It can help them understand the challenges our planet faces and develop the skills and knowledge needed to live more sustainably.

In developing countries, education is particularly vital for sustainability. It can help break the cycle of poverty, which is often a significant barrier to sustainability. Education can also empower women, who frequently play key roles in decision-making within households and communities.

Education can impact sustainability in numerous ways. For instance:

A growing body of evidence supports the positive impact of education on sustainability. For example, a study by the United Nations Environment Programme revealed that countries with higher education levels tend to experience lower levels of environmental degradation. The connection between education and sustainability is evident. 

Here are some specific examples of how education can influence sustainability:

By providing individuals with the knowledge and skills to live more sustainably, education can contribute to a more sustainable future for everyone.

At MMPower Foundation, we are committed to advancing digital education for those who cannot afford it as well as providing essential sanitation facilities. Our aim is to empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty.

Do you agree that sustainability without massive investment in education is an incomplete approach? Comment on linkedin!

Emmanuel Jaquet

MMPower Foundation Founder 

Ps: thank you to Amer Iqbal for the help and Google Bard for the citations and grammar :)